Without fail, the most important aspect of business is customer service. While it is not a fun topic to discuss, it IS a necessary topic. All entrepreneurs should embrace quality customer service. It’s needed for many reasons.

Reasons why customer service matters.

Your sales benefit.

The phrase itself provides negative connotation; a last resort for when something’s gone wrong. But in actuality, you need to embrace customer service to better approach sales strategies. When you’re researching your customer, you’re discovering their likes/dislikes and needs. You’re learning your audience and enhancing the success of your sales.

You learn how to keep your team happy.

When it comes to running a business, every smart entrepreneur knows that the success of the company solely lies on your team. If you keep your team happy and motivated, they will keep your business afloat; and even go the extra mile! These individuals comprise your customer service team. If you pour positivity into them, they will surely represent your company with the same attitude.

Things you can do to improve your customer service

Be easily accessible.

One of the greatest forms of customer service is to simply be reachable. Nothing frustrates a customer more than visiting a website and not having a way to contact you or anyone in customer care directly. Generate a contact form, display a phone number, and provide access to your social media platforms. AND STAY CONSISTENT! This can be done by making sure a team member is always checking emails, social media accounts, and answering calls if there is a phone line attached to your business.

Strive for a good first impression.

Response time is definitely a part of providing a good first impression. Furthermore, if you find that you will be away for a long period of time, make a note of that on your website or social media platform. Automated responses work well here, because they are sent out as soon as a message is received. 

Be a good listener.

Normally businesses think it’s a good thing when they don’t hear from their customers because that means everything is well. However, it could also be a bad thing. It’s always a positive when you get feedback from your customers, good or bad. It will give you the insight you need to make changes, or to determine if you’re doing well. Intentionally reach out quarterly with surveys or even courtesy calls to see how your customers are doing. They may be so impressed with your customer care that they will upgrade in your services.

Create a Q&A section on your website.

While you want to interact with your customers, your website or social media platforms may very well be the first impression your clients get from you. Make it a good one! Add a section where you can host general questions and answers. It will not only satisfy your client’s online experience, but it will minimize the time you normally would have to spend with them reaching out to you for questions. With the time you save, you can continue practicing quality care on the current customers, keeping them happy and coming back for more.

Never shy away from customer service. It can be what makes or breaks your business!