Positivity is the number one way to boost the wellness of your employees. If you are looking for a great way to implement a fresh start in the office this year, this is the answer.


Not only can positivity enhance the vibes all around the office, but it is linked to health benefits. Healthy employees, lead to a healthy business. Maintaining an uplifting attitude as such, decreases stress, increases blood flow and leads to an optimistic head space. Imagine the productivity that can be harvested from this kind of labor.

Promoting this kind of behavior just by exuding positivity yourself is the easiest trick to lead the way. Influence is everything! Even if you are currently operating on a remote level, a positive attitude travels further than your desktop. Make sure this is a a core value in all of the ways you communicate from your seat and you’ll be surprised at how contagious it becomes!


Show gratitude publicly. It’s always easier to acknowledge someone’s efforts privately at their desk when nobody else is around. There’s nothing wrong with this! However, take some time in your next team meeting to give others the opportunity to shout each other out with positive feedback. Allow your team to feel appreciated and valued just by validating their hard work.

Celebrate all of the wins. Every win is worth celebrating! Whether big or small, go the extra mile to acknowledge another bench mark in the business. It doesn’t have to be extensive, but at least something! Maybe it’s just ordering pizza for lunch for everyone to enjoy during lunch break. The small wins are just as important as the big wins. It will encourage your team to keep excelling for more wins!

Fix your face. We can all where our hearts on our sleeves from time to time, and that just means you’re human! When it comes to face-time with your employees, it’s important to realize that your face and body language will rub off on them. Your dispositions will give others permission to also feel the same. Do your part in helping keep the energy alive by checking your face from time to time. If you’re stressed, or concerned, shake it off when it’s time to confront people. Doing so will help keep a calm and positive atmosphere in the workplace.

Build relationships. When is the last time you spent time investing time into growing the relationships you have with your team? Do you know how each person is feeling about their current position? Are some of them ready to step into more responsibility? There are so many ways to show that you care about the relationship you have with each person individually. This doesn’t mean you have take the whole team out to lunch one-by-one. It just means you can show you care just by having check-point conversations from time to time to see how they’re doing.

If you want to see your business grow into all that it can be, its starts from the inside out. Make a list of all the ways you can begin promoting positivity in your business today! Implement those things as quickly as possible and watch your team take on the same attributes!