Growing a business can be hard.
There are so many moving trends that “ensure” business growth. And while they can all work, there are often older tactics that fall to the wayside which could still be effective today. One strategy specifically is so obvious that it often gets neglected. That is ignoring your current customers.
Don’t NEGLECT your existing customers!
It goes without saying that you should definitely consider visiting cold traffic. But why start from scratch when what’s already on the table is a sure thing? You’ve made immense strides in your sales efforts. It shouldn’t be for not. Tap into your existing lead database and get to work. Your existing customers have already proven to you their loyalty and willingness to purchase your product. These clients are more than likely to buy from you again, especially if they have already experienced your brand and love it.
The fact of the matter is, cold traffic won’t always successfully convert into successful sales time and time again. It’s extremely unpredictable. While casting a vast net can sometimes give you a large yield, it can sometimes come back empty or full of junk. Cold traffic is a changing endeavor much like strategies for business growth and will often vary per company.
So how do we keep our current customers engaged?
Offer different products.
After all, if you’re spewing out the same products and material, those customers may get tired and go elsewhere. Look at your current services and see how you can enhance them. You can also offer extensions that will entice your current customers to desire an “upgrade” of your product.
Make courtesy calls.
A customer or client will feel valued if you take the time out to make a phone call to them. Ask them for feedback and encourage them to share their experience with your company. It’s a very smart power move to make in giving the customer a feeling of importance. You are running this lucrative business yet you’re finding time to make a call to THEM.
Offer a referral incentive.
Current clients/customers are an amazing source of new business. It is also a very obvious go to for referrals because happy customers will always spread the word of a good service. They’ll even do it happily with an incentive!
Think about your clients like you would a relationship. If you continuously go for the occasional fling, there is no foundation established. However, if you take time with one individual, trust, foundation and a future is built. There is certainty there. And certainty is the key to definitive growth.